21M.361 | Spring 2008 | Undergraduate

Composing with Computers I (Electronic Music Composition)


1 None
Module 1: musique concrète, form and content
2 Assignment 1.1: Recording Sounds, Basic Studio Technique
3 Assignment 1.2: Technical Composition, Abstracting Scores
4 Assignment 1.3: Real Composition Based on Score
Module 2: feedback and continuity
5 Assignment 2.1: Feedback Improvisation
6 Assignment 2.2: Feedback Composition and Continuity
Module 3: noise and layers
7 Assignment 3.1: Collecting Specific Types of Sounds
8 Assignment 3.2: Layers, Scenes, Nice Sounds, Linear and Dense Noise

Assignment 3.3: Noise or Drone Composition

Special assignment: before lab 4.1, download Max/MSP and begin to learn it.

Module 4: synthesis, algorithm, interaction (Max/MSP)
10 Assignment 4.1: Basic Max/MSP
11 Assignment 4.2: More Basic Max/MSP
12 Assignment 4.3: More Max/MSP
13 Assignment 4.4: Final Max/MSP Project
Module 5: sampling, remixing, polishing

Assignment 5.1: You Choose!

Special assignment: prepare for concert

15 Concert

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2008
Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments with Examples