21M.361 | Spring 2008 | Undergraduate

Composing with Computers I (Electronic Music Composition)


Assignment 5.1: You Choose!

Assignments: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 5.1

The choices for this assignment are as follows. Choose only one. Last week you had your proposal approved/revised. Execute (as humanely as possible) your assignment and leave it in the appropriate folder, etc. If it is a Max patch, make your own folder in the Ass folder, and include all required files.

(i) Make a piece based on your own composed material, however you like.

(ii) Choose a “single sound”—interpret that as you will—and make a piece, however you like.

(iii) Polish a previous composition. Written evidence must be provided to show that sufficient work has been done. And of course I’ll compare the polished version with the original.

(iv) Sample from or remix a piece/pieces of existing music so that it is unrecognizable from the original in a significant way. To do this, please supply all original material as mp3s in a folder, named with your name and the name of the original. Be careful with this option: it is fun, and popular, and prone to really bad remixes. Generally avoid simply layering a few songs, or doing something overly hip-hop-ish, unless you explain the intricacies I do not already know about-I’m still learning.

For all these options, bear in mind that this is a course in experimental music. And as with all assignments, listen to the work of previous students.

Examples of Student Work from Prior Terms

These files are presented courtesy of the students and used with permission.

Alex Vazquez (MP3 - 2.1MB)
Arshan Gailus (MP3 - 2.8MB)
Charles Amick (MP3 - 2MB)
George Marzloff (MP3 - 2.6MB)
Graham Woolley (MP3 - 4.8MB)
Heather Brundage (MP3 - 1.5MB)
Hubert Roberts (MP3 - 3.9MB)
Kelsey Byers (MP3 - 3MB)
Kristen Burrall (MP3 - 2.1MB)
Mats Ahlgren (MP3 - 4MB)
Michael Miller (MP3 - 5.9MB)
Rae Zucker (MP3 - 6.1MB)
Thomas Carr (MP3 - 2.1MB)

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2008
Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments with Examples