Class 12: Student project presentation: "Notation and Time in Music"
Presenter: Jared Sadoian
All students taking the class for credit must make a presentation, either individually or in teams of two or three, during the last week of the class. The presentations can be about an artwork (e.g., a novel, a painting, a film, or another piece of music), another sort of cultural object (e.g., a building, a musical instrument, or a specific type of media technology), or a scientific research project. (Team presentations might involve more than one of these.) No matter which approach you choose, the presentations should focus on issues of time, either as itself the central focus, or in relation to elements of form, spatial design, memory, or cognition.
The presentations might consist of musical performances (solo or chamber music), to be arranged in consultation with the instructors. If you have friends you want to perform with who are not taking the class, that is okay.
Individual presentations should last about 10-12 minutes. Teams can go longer, to a maximum of 20 minutes.
On the day of the presentation, each student should hand in a 3-4 page write-up of the project and what it has revealed.
Please choose a topic and submit your proposal online no later than 5 p.m after the fourth class session (C4). We will finalize the projects and presentation schedule by classtime the following day.