24.915 | Fall 2015 | Undergraduate, Graduate

Linguistic Phonetics

CHP thumbnail


Thumbnail for f15 iteration of 24.915 CHP image.

Alt text:
On the right is a waveform in black on a blue background, and on the left shows trees reflecting on a still lake with snowy mountains in the background.
A waveform shown next to a similar pattern in nature. The study of phonetics employs waveforms, spectrograms and electropalatography among other methods to learn about human speech and its influence on language. (Image courtesy of Anna Marinenko.)
On the right is a waveform in black on a blue background, and on the left shows trees reflecting on a still lake with snowy mountains in the background.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2015
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Written Assignments
Lecture Notes