3.205 | Fall 2006 | Graduate

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials


Included below is the calendar for the kinetics portion of 3.205, typically taught in a six-week period in the second half of the semester. The thermodynamics segment of 3.205, taught in the first half of the semester, is not included in this publication.

1 Fields and Gradients, Fluxes, Continuity Equation
2 Entropy Production, Conjugate Driving Forces
3 Mass Diffusion in a Continuum, Diffusion Coefficients
4 Solutions to the Diffusion/Heat Equation, Atomistic Mechanisms of Diffusion
5 Diffusion in Ionic Crystals
6 Role of Microstructure in Diffusion; Short Circuits
7 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Nucleation
8 Diffusional Growth, The “Moving Boundary” Problem
9 Solidification
10 Spinodal Decomposition
11 Particle Coarsening
12 Sintering

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2006
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions