4.S67 | Fall 2016 | Graduate

Landscape Experience: Seminar in Land/Art


1 Introduction, syllabus review, assignment of presentations  
2 Out to Work: Landscape-Labor-Commodity  

MIT holiday, no formal class meeting but:

  1. Complete readings from field trip bibliography
  2. Prepare Lavine Lecture contributions

4 Minimalism, Monument, Money, Mortgage Workshop on field trip readings; run-through of Lavin lecture presentations
5 What is/is not a landscape?  

“Preserving” “Natural” “Culture”

Meet at Museum of Fine Arts, Art of the Americas Wing

Guest visit: Mark Jarzombek

Final project proposals due at beginning of class meeting

7 Urban Counterpoints? Part 1  
Optional: Session with Harvard “Technical Lands” class. Screening of Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Castaing-Taylor’s Sweetgrass with discussion of W. Cronon books to follow: Nature’s Metropolis and The Trouble with Wilderness
8 Landscape Perception  
9 Urban Counterpoints? Part 2 Guest visit: Anne Whiston Spirn
10 Meet at MIT List Visual Arts Center for the Lavine Lecture  
11 Politics of Nature  

Final Research Paper presentations

Feedback from peers in class; feedback from Caroline Jones via email

 Guest visit: Nick Brown

Final Studio Project presentations

Feedback from peers and instructors in class

Guest visit: Sarah Kanouse and Ruth Erickson

Final papers and write-ups of final projects due six days after the last session

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2016