5.95J | Fall 2015 | Graduate

Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering

Supplemental Materials

Session 2: What We Know About Student Learning in Higher Education

Slides from Session 2 (PDF)

[Learning Theories Concept Map](http://cmapspublic3.ihmc.us/rid=1LGVGJY66-CCD5CZ-12G3/Learning Theory.cmap)

Session 3: Designing a Course: Developing Learning Outcomes

Slides from Session 3 (PDF)

Developing Intended Learning Outcomes - Handout / Table

Bloom’s Taxonomy Handout (PDF)

See Criterion 3 for Learning Outcomes

Photos from the In-class Activity

Annotated Syllabus (PDF)

Special Accommodations for MIT Students

Academic Integrity at MIT

Some Additional Thoughts on Intended Learning Outcomes (PDF)

Session 4: Teaching Methodologies: Part I - Organizing a Class

Slides from Session 4 (PDF)

Session 5: Teaching Methodologies: Part II - Active Learning: Why and How?

Slides from Session 5 (PDF - 1.4MB)

Session 6: What Can Nerds Learn from Actors?

Slides from Session 6 (PDF)

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Activity Assignments
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights