In-Class Questions and Video Solutions

Lecture 2

  1. Strings

    What is the value of variable `u` from the code below?

    once = "umbr"
    repeat = "ella"
    u = once + (repeat+" ")*4

  2. Comparisons

    What does the code below print?

    pset_time = 15
    sleep_time = 8
    print(sleep_time > pset_time)
    derive = True
    drink = False
    both = drink and derive

  3. Branching

    What’s printed when x = 0 and y = 5?

    x = float(input("Enter a number for x: "))
    y = float(input("Enter a number for y: "))
    if x == y:
     if y != 0:
     print("x / y is", x/y)
    elif x < y:
     print("x is smaller")
     print("y is smaller") 

  4. While Loops

    In the code below from Lecture 2, what is printed when you type “Right”?

    n = input("You're in the Lost Forest. Go left or right? ")
    while n == "right":
     n = input("You're in the Lost Forest. Go left or right? ")
    print("You got out of the Lost Forest!")

  5. For Loops

    What is printed when the below code is run?

    mysum = 0
    for i in range(5, 11, 2):
     mysum += i
     if mysum == 5:
      mysum += 1

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