Electronic Help Queue


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Screenshot a white webpage with the following text: “WHDW: Section 1 DL08. Accurate as of Friday October 30, 2015; 04:39:44 PM. 83 students took nano quiz 08 in section 1. Number Completed Checkoffs: 83/83 (100.00%) done with DL08 Checkoff 1.
Staff members electronically track “Who Has Done What” and use this information to identify groups who may need support.
Image courtesy of Adam Hartz.
Screenshot a white webpage with the following text: “WHDW: Section 1 DL08. Accurate as of Friday October 30, 2015; 04:39:44 PM. 83 students took nano quiz 08 in section 1. Number Completed Checkoffs: 83/83 (100.00%) done with DL08 Checkoff 1.
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