6.035 | Spring 2010 | Undergraduate

Computer Language Engineering


This course makes use of Athena, MIT’s UNIX-based computing environment. OCW does not provide access to this environment.

Recitation slides are courtesy of course TA Jason Ansel, and are used with permission.

These projects require Java, Ant, and GCC. This document describes what you will need to know about Athena and Java tools for 6.035: (PDF)

General information

Project overview (PDF)

Decaf language (PDF)

Project 1: Scanner and parser

Assignment (PDF)

Recitation slides (PDF)

Provided skeleton and test inputs (GZ)

Project 2: Semantic checker

Assignment (PDF)

Recitation slides (PDF)

Test cases (GZ)

Project 3: Code generation

Assignment (PDF)

Recitation slides (PDF)

X86-64 Architecture Guide

Test cases (GZ)

Project 4: Dataflow optimizations

Assignment (PDF)

Recitation slides (PDF)

Test cases (GZ)

Project 5: Optimizer

Assignment (PDF)

Recitation slides (PDF)

Test cases (GZ - 1.9MB)

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes