Topics: Dictionaries: keys, values, mutability, iteration over a dict, examples
Lecture Notes
Ch 5.7
Finger Exercise Lecture 14
Question 1: Implement the function that meets the specifications below:
def keys_with_value(aDict, target):
aDict: a dictionary
target: an integer or string
Assume that keys and values in aDict are integers or strings.
Returns a sorted list of the keys in aDict with the value target.
If aDict does not contain the value target, returns an empty list.
# Your code here
# Examples:
aDict = {1:2, 2:4, 5:2}
target = 2
print(keys_with_value(aDict, target)) # prints the list [1,5]
Question 2: Implement the function that meets the specifications below:
def all_positive(d):
d is a dictionary that maps int:list
Suppose an element in d is a key k mapping to value v (a non-empty list).
Returns the sorted list of all k whose v elements sums up to a
positive value.
# Your code here
# Examples:
d = {5:[2,-4], 2:[1,2,3], 1:[2]}
print(all_positive(d)) # prints the list [1, 2]
6.100L Finger Exercises Lecture 14 Solutions
Recitation 7
Recitations were smaller sections that reviewed the previous lectures. Files contain recitation notes and worked examples in code.