Course Description
6.811: Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology (PPAT) is an interdisciplinary, project-based course, centered around a design project in which small teams of students work closely with a person with a disability in the Cambridge area to design a device, piece of equipment, app, or other solution that helps them …
6.811: Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology (PPAT) is an interdisciplinary, project-based course, centered around a design project in which small teams of students work closely with a person with a disability in the Cambridge area to design a device, piece of equipment, app, or other solution that helps them live more independently.
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Projects with Examples
Course Introduction
Demonstration Videos
Activity Assignments with Examples
Media Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights

Some of the many words used to describe accessibility solutions on the web. (Image courtesy of Jil Wright on Flickr. CC BY 2.0.)