6.911 | January IAP 2006 | Undergraduate

Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBI


Exercise 2.6

Exercises: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9

Section 2.6 Exercises: !H* (ZIP - 1.0 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 14 .textgrid, 8 .wav, and 1 .pdf files.)

A. Listening Exercises

Look, listen and compare. The following files contain contrasting patterns with !H*.

  • ex6a1anna contrasts words with a downstepped pitch accent vs. deaccented words: 2 versions of Anna married Lenny
    • H* L-L% vs,
    • H* !H* !H* L-L%
  • ex6a2cigar contrasts H* vs !H*: 2 versions of close but no cigar where the text no cigar is produced with
    • H* H* L-L% and,
    • H* !H* L-L% (the file also repeats just the contrasting but no cigar portion at the end)

B. Labelling Exercises

Label the following files, using the TextGrids provided. (For each file, you should find TextGrid with the words tier filled.) These files each contain one or more Intonational Phrases, and phrases may have more than one pitch accent. (Use any label listed in the inventory at the end section 2-6, as listed in “Introduced so far.”)

  1. ex6b1station (okay to get from home to the station)
  2. ex6b2familiar (all familiar)
  3. ex6b3thanks (but thanks for thinking of me)
  4. ex6b4hand (hand me another banana)
  5. ex6b5game (there’s another game that we used to play)
  6. ex6b6here (in here)

C. Further Exercises

Produce and record your own !H* examples.

  1. Try the following text and tone sequences. How many sequential !H* pitch accents can you produce? (Add more words if you can keep going…)
    • A banana. H* L-L%
    • Another banana. H* !H* L-L%
    • Another yellow banana. H* !H* !H* L-L%
    • Another little yellow banana . H* !H* !H* !H* L-L%
  2. Pick any file(s) from section 2.6, or a favorite from the listening/labelling exercises above, and reproduce in your own voice. Record and save.
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