Course Description
This is the second of a two-semester subject sequence beginning with Atomic and Optical Physics I (8.421) that provides the foundations for contemporary research in selected areas of atomic and optical physics. Topics covered include non-classical states of light–squeezed states; multi-photon processes, Raman …
This is the second of a two-semester subject sequence beginning with Atomic and Optical Physics I (8.421) that provides the foundations for contemporary research in selected areas of atomic and optical physics. Topics covered include non-classical states of light–squeezed states; multi-photon processes, Raman scattering; coherence–level crossings, quantum beats, double resonance, superradiance; trapping and cooling-light forces, laser cooling, atom optics, spectroscopy of trapped atoms and ions; atomic interactions–classical collisions, quantum scattering theory, ultracold collisions; and experimental methods.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets
Instructor Insights
![Simple diagram showing ground state, excited state and atom moving.](/courses/8-422-atomic-and-optical-physics-ii-spring-2013/9e0e7b0a495fa128b8bac270422677a4_8-422s13.jpg)
Diagram for light scattering by an atom with ground state g and excited state e. (Image Courtesy of Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle.)