General Cosmology
- Cosmology: A Research Briefing - Excellent summary from the National Research Council
- Ned Wright’s Cosmology Tutorial
- Microwave Anisotropy Probe Home Page
- Mysteries of Deep Space Timeline - from PBS
- The Physics of CMB Anisotropies - well-illustrated intro by Wayne Hu
- The Cosmological Constant - review article by Carroll, Press, & Turner
- N-body animations - nice movies from John Dubinski (warning: very large files)
General Astrophysics and Physics
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute
- Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Nobel Prizes in Physics
Online Publications
- astro-ph - LANL preprint server
- ADS - The best way to find astrophysics publications
- Astrophysical Journal
General Relativity
- Sean Carroll’s General Relativity notes and links - Excellent resource
Software and Numerical Methods
- Astrophysics Source Code Library Archive - Archive of many useful astrophysics codes
- COSMICS - high-accuracy initial conditions for cosmological simulations
- Numerical Recipes
- Romberg integration subroutine: C (PDF) or f77 (PDF)
- Netlib mathematical software repository
- National HPCC Software Exchange
Preparing and Displaying Electronic Documents
- The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
- Writing HTML - includes an introduction to Java®
- Sun Java® Tutorial
- Another HTML tutor - with CGI scripting/programming
- Ghostscript and Ghostview - Postscript® previewer
- Acrobat Reader - software for displaying and printing pdf files