Related Resources

Links to Web sites concerning sustainable development and water conservation are given below.

General Descriptions of Sustainable Development and Green Building

Rocky Mountain Institute

U.S. Green Building Council

EPA Web site for Sustainable Development 
This Web site provides information on community oriented ecoplanning projects throughout the United States.

Florida Water Issues and Personal Water Consumption

Water Management Issues

Water: How We Use It

Additional Estimates on Home Water Consumption

Residential Water Use (PDF) 
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s report on residential water use.

How We Use Water in These United States (PDF
The EPA’s water resource Web site might also be helpful.

How Can I Save Water 
Yet more estimates can be found at this site.

Florida Plants Online 
Specific water conservation tools used in Florida can be found at this link.

Municipal Cost-Benefit Evaluations of Different Water Conservation Strategies

GDS report on performing a research study quantifying the effectiveness of various water conservation techniques (PDF)

General Breakdown of Cistern Ownership, including Collectible Rainfall, System Costs, and Potential Maintenance Issues

The Texas Rain Harvesting Guide to Rainwater Harvesting ([PDF](

Pictures of Cisterns Systems in Practice

Rainwater Harvesting ([PDF - 1.9 MB](

Conservation Achievements made at Tucson’s Civano, which is touted as America’s First Sustainable Community

Civano Neighbors 
The news and guiding documents sections.


Particularly instructive is the report “Civano and Tucson Residential Water Use, Revised” (PDF)

Consult the 2002 Johannesburg, South Africa, Summit on Sustainable Development 
This is an instructive document concerning indigenous rain harvesting alternatives for sustainable development in India, and demonstrates the institutional frameworks, sustainable goals, and evaluative methods that the conference produced.

Boston Mayor’s Green Building Task Force, which disseminates Case Study Information about Sustainable Building Practices to Boston Firms

Green Building Task Force a Commitment to Boston’s Future (PDF - 1.5MB)

Solar Distillation Assemblies

Solar Distillation (PDF)

Additional Helpful Sites

American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association

American Water Works Association

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2004
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments
Design Assignments with Examples