12.335 | Fall 2014 | Undergraduate, Graduate

Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry

Lecture Notes

1 Course Introduction (PDF - 2.1MB)
Section 1: Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution
2 Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution I (PDF - 1.7MB)
3 MATLAB® Overview (M) (CSV)
4 First Photochemistry Lab (No Lecture Notes)
5 Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution II (PDF - 1.3MB)

Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution III (PDF - 1.7MB)

Building 54 Data Review (PDF)

7 Scientific Communication (No Lecture Notes)
8 Second Photochemistry Lab (No Lecture Notes)
9–10 Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution IV (PDF - 1.3MB)
11 Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution Presentations (No Lecture Notes)
Section 2: CO2 and Climate Change
12–17 CO{{< sub “2” >}} and Climate Change (PDF - 4.2MB)
18 CO2 and Climate Change Presentations (No Lecture Notes)
Section 3: Aerosol and Clouds
19–20 Aerosol and Clouds I (PDF - 2.8MB)
21–22 Aerosol and Clouds II (PDF - 2.3MB)
23–24 Aerosol and Clouds III (PDF - 3.0MB)
25 Aerosol and Clouds IV (PDF - 2.9MB)
26 Aerosol and Clouds Presentations (No Lecture Notes)
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments