Sustainable shelters.
Sustainable Shelters goal is to educate and empower people, affected by the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan, to build their own homes and assist in the transition to self-sufficiency in the reconstruction process. This would be achieved through focusing on the dissemination of construction improvements that could make existing traditional housing safer and more sustainable. The construction of a demonstration home, provision of training sessions, and distribution of literature are the key components for educating the population about improvements in construction, which focus on efficiency, resourcefulness, affordability, and adaptability. The suggested improvements illustrate low cost innovations for seismic resistance, thermal efficiency, rain water harvesting, indoor ventilation, and daylighting. These improvements provide the local community with options for upgrading their existing shelters that remain within their financial, social, and environmental constraints. The project is centered around the local needs and priorities of a community in the Rawalkot District of Pakistan, where our community partners are constructing two primary schools and intending to move the post-earthquake reconstruction forward by developing a model village.
Final Proposal (PDF)
Final Presentation (PDF)