EC.S06 | Spring 2007 | Undergraduate

Design for Demining


Assignment 9 - Project Criteria

Assigned: Ses #10
Due: Ses #11


Create a list of 10 selection criteria for choosing a project to work on. These criteria will be used to help us select the projects for the rest of the semester.

Consider different constituents when identifying criteria, including deminers, manufacturers/distributers, yourself and members of the class. Don’t forget your own interests and motivations, which are legitimate criteria for doing projects.

State your criteria in a form that is quantitative or measurable when possible. For example, “doable in this class” could be better stated as “Expenses can be covered by the available budget,” “Can be completed in the time available” “Can be complete with the skills and equipment that we have.”

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2007
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Design Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples
Demonstration Videos