EC.S06 | Spring 2007 | Undergraduate

Design for Demining


This page presents projects from both the Spring 2005 and Spring 2007 semesters of the course.

2007 Projects

The following section presents three final projects from 2007, and the 2006 report for the Vegetation Clipper project, as well as some photos of a blast test conducted on the Clipper prototype. Projects appear courtesy of the students named and are used with permission. Images appear courtesy of Vikki Chou and are used with permission.

Final Projects

Victoria Chou and Jessica Lowell, “Anti-Fog Drops” and “Fog Deflectors”

(PDF 1) (PDF 2)

Jongmin Baek and Aaron Doody, “Vegetation Clipper” (PDF)
Michael Scott and Jorge Renjifo, “Personal Protection Equipment” (PDF)


The blast tests pictured below were conducted using various weights of 50/50 PETN/TNT sheet to replicate different sorts of landmine. Foam-stuffed rubber gloves were attached to assess potential damage to clipper operators. The clippers were held near the test charge at the maximum acceptable approach angle. Test results were evaluated on the fragmentation of the tool itself and the blast shield’s effectiveness at protecting the rubber glove. Images appear courtesy of Andrew Brooks and Marta Luczynska, and are used with permission. The following document contains more details about the blast tests and the aftermath. (PDF)

Test 1 

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2007
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Design Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples
Demonstration Videos