6.034 | Fall 2010 | Undergraduate

Artificial Intelligence


Much of the material in 6.034 is reinforced by on-line artificial-intelligence demonstrations developed by us or otherwise available on the web. Those demonstrations developed by us are provided via the easy-to-use Java Web Start mechanism, which comes with the Java Runtime Environment, the so-called JRE.

The demonstrations illustrate the following ideas:

  • Blocks world manipulation (after Winograd)
  • Search: depth-first, breadth-first, hill-climbing, beam, branch and bound, A*
  • Games: mini-max, alpha-beta
  • Genetic algorithms: crossover, mutation, fitness
  • Constraint satisfaction: drawing analysis (after Waltz, using Huffman labels)
  • Domain reduction: map coloring, resource allocation
  • Biological mimetics: genetic algorithms, self-organizing maps, cross-modal clustering
  • Learning: nearest neighbors, support vector machines, lattice learning, boosting

The demonstrations require Java 8 and course instructions for installation are available. Please note that these instructions do require you to change Java security options. Then, you can run the demonstrations (JNLP).

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Recitation Videos
Programming Assignments
Instructor Insights