6.163 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Strobe Project Laboratory

Image Gallery

Fall 2005 Photos

The photos in this section are courtesy of the following people, and used with permission: Jim Bales, Heather Coffin, Amy Eastment, Arlis Reynolds, and Nima Veiseh.

Metal Deformation Lab



Images from Previous Terms

The following images are from the Spring 2005 term.

Photos courtesy of Tara Andrews, Sarah Boucher, Lauren Bradford, Ruben Brown, Amy Chu, Ana Claudio, Eric Cohen, Francisco Delatorre, Parul Deora, Patrick Greeley, Ruxi Guan, Matthew Hausmann, Heather Hooper, Farid Jahanmir, Janice Kim, Pinar Kip, Nicole Klemenko, SiuChoon Koay, Jennifer Lee, Andrew McPherson, Napoleon Nelson, Gabriel Reinstein, Rina Samsudin, Obrad Scepanovic, Charles Sharp, Monique Sin, Vis Taraz, Erick Tseng, Nadia Vinson, Jonathan Wong, Bo Xie and Mingtang-Alex Zhang.

Videos courtesy of Eric Cohen.

All photos and videos used with permission.

Videos may be found at the bottom of the image gallery.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2005
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Demonstration Videos
Exams with Solutions
Projects with Examples