ES.1803 | Spring 2024 | Undergraduate

Differential Equations

Unit 1: Linear Differential Equations

Week 1

Class 1: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations 

Class 2: Topic 1: Introduction to Differential Equations (cont.)

Class 3: Recitation 1

Class 4: Topic 2: Linear Systems 

Class 5: Topic 3: Input Response 

Week 2

Class 6: Topic 4: Complex Numbers 

Class 7: Topic 4: Complex Numbers (cont.)

Class 8: Recitation 2

Class 9: Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs 

Class 10 Topic 5: Homogeneous, Linear, and Constant Coefficient DEs (cont.)

Week 3

Class 11: Quiz 1 (Topics 1–3) (see Quizzes page)

Class 12: Recitation 3

Class 13: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF

Class 14: Topic 6: Operators, Inhomogeneous DEs, ERF, and SRF (cont.)

Week 4

Class 15: Topic 7: Polynomial Input

Class 16: Topic 8: Stability

Class 17: Recitation 4

Class 18: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag

Class 19: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)

Week 5

Class 20: Quiz 2 (Topics 4–8) (see Quizzes page)

Class 21: Topic 9: Engineering Language: Input, Gain, and Phase Lag (cont.)

Class 22: Recitation 5

Optional Reading for Enrichment

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2024
Learning Resource Types
Online Textbook
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions