HST.725 | Spring 2009 | Graduate

Music Perception and Cognition

Figure illustrating areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance


Areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance. (Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare, adapted from Tramo, Mark J. “Music of the Hemispheres.” Science 291, no. 5501 (January 5, 2001): 54-56.

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Figure illustrating areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance
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Figure illustrating areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance.
Areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance. (Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare, adapted from Tramo, Mark J. “Music of the Hemispheres.” Science 291, no. 5501 (January 5, 2001): 54-56.
Figure illustrating areas of the brain that may be involved in different aspects of music perception and performance.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2009
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Lecture Notes