18.S097 | January IAP 2019 | Undergraduate

Applied Category Theory

Lecture Videos and Readings

This course is based on the textbook:

Fong, B. and D. I. Spivak. An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality. Cambridge University Press, 2019. ISBN: 9781108482295.

An online version is freely available on Cornell University’s arXiv.org e-Print archive site as well as from OCW as a single file: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

1–2 Chapter 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions
3–4 Chapter 2: Resources: Monoidal Preorders and Enrichment
5–6 Chapter 3: Databases: Categories, Functors, and (Co)Limits
7–8 Chapter 4: Co-design: Profunctors and Monoidal Categories
9–10 Chapter 5: Signal Flow Graphs: Props, Presentations, and Proofs
11–12 Chapter 6: Circuits: Hypergraph Categories and Operads
13–14 Chapter 7: Logic of Behavior: Sheaves, Toposes, Languages

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Lecture Videos

Session 1

Chapter 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 2

Chapter 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions (PDF)

1.1 More than the sum of their parts

1.1.1 A first look at generative effects

1.1.2 Ordering systems

1.2 What is order?

1.2.1 Review of sets, relations, and functions

1.2.2 Preorders

1.2.3 Monotone maps

1.3 Meets and joins

1.3.1 Definition and basic examples

1.3.2 Back to observations and generative effects

1.4 Galois connections

1.4.1 Definition and examples of Galois connections

1.4.2 Back to partitions

1.4.3 Basic theory of Galois connections

1.4.4 Closure operators

1.4.5 Level shifting

1.5 Summary and further reading


Problem set 1 (PDF) due at the beginning of Session 6.

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Lecture Videos

Session 3

Chapter 2: Resources: Monoidal Preorders and Enrichment Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 4

Chapter 2: Resources: Monoidal Preorders and Enrichment Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 2: Resources: Monoidal Preorders and Enrichment (PDF)

2.1 Getting from \(a\) to \(b\)

2.2 Symmetric monoidal preorders

2.2.1 Definition and first examples

2.2.2 Introducing wiring diagrams

2.2.3 Applied examples

2.2.4 Abstract examples

2.2.5 Monoidal monotone maps

2.3 Enrichment

2.3.1 \(\mathcal{V}\)-categories

2.3.2 Preorders as Bool-categories

2.3.3 Lawvere metric spaces

2.3.4 \(\mathcal{V}\)-variations on preorders and metric spaces

2.4 Constructions on \(\mathcal{V}\)-categories

2.4.1 Changing the base of enrichment

2.4.2 Enriched functors

2.4.3 Product \(\mathcal{V}\)-categories

2.5 Computing presented \(\mathcal{V}\)-categories with matrix multiplication

2.5.1 Monoidal closed preorders

2.5.2 Quantales

2.5.3 Matrix multiplication in a quantale

2.6 Summary and further reading

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Lecture Videos

Session 5

Chapter 3: Databases: Categories, Functors, and (Co)Limits Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 6

Chapter 3: Databases: Categories, Functors, and (Co)Limits Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 3: Databases: Categories, Functors, and (Co)Limits (PDF)

3.1 What is a database?

3.2 Categories

3.2.1 Free categories

3.2.2 Presenting categories via path equations

3.2.3 Preorders and free categories: two ends of a spectrum

3.2.4 Important categories in mathematics

3.2.5 Isomorphisms in a category

3.3 Functors, natural transformations, and databases

3.3.1 Sets and functions as databases

3.3.2 Functors

3.3.3 Database instances as Set-valued functors

3.3.4 Natural transformations

3.3.5 The category of instances on a schema

3.4 Adjunctions and data migration

3.4.1 Pulling back data along a functor

3.4.2 Adjunctions

3.4.3 Left and right pushforward functors, \(\Sigma\) and \(\Pi\)

3.4.4 Single set summaries of databases

3.5 Bonus: An introduction to limits and colimits

3.5.1 Terminal objects and products

3.5.2 Limits

3.5.3 Finite limits in Set

3.5.4 A brief note on colimits

3.6 Summary and further reading


Problem set 2 (PDF) due at the beginning of Session 10.

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Lecture Videos

Session 7

Chapter 4: Co-design: Profunctors and Monoidal Categories Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 8

Chapter 4: Co-design: Profunctors and Monoidal Categories Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 4: Co-design: Profunctors and Monoidal Categories (PDF)

4.1 Can we build it?

4.2 Enriched profunctors

4.2.1 Feasibility relationships as Bool-profunctors

4.2.2 \(\mathcal{V}\)-profunctors

4.2.3 Back to co-design diagrams

4.3 Categories of profunctors

4.3.1 Composing profunctors

4.3.2 The categories \(\mathcal{V}\)-Prof and Feas

4.3.3 Fun profunctor facts: companions, conjoints, collages

4.4 Categorification

4.4.1 The basic idea of categorification

4.4.2 A reflection on wiring diagrams

4.4.3 Monoidal categories

4.4.4 Categories enriched in a symmetric monoidal category

4.5 Profunctors form a compact closed category

4.5.1 Compact closed categories

4.5.2 Feas as a compact closed category

4.6 Summary and further reading

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Lecture Videos

Session 9

Chapter 5: Signal Flow Graphs: Props, Presentations, and Proofs Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 10

Chapter 5: Signal Flow Graphs: Props, Presentations, and Proofs Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 5: Signal Flow Graphs: Props, Presentations, and Proofs (PDF)

5.1 Comparing systems as interacting signal processors

5.2 Props and presentations

5.2.1 Props: definition and first examples

5.2.2 The prop of port graphs

5.2.3 Free constructions and universal properties

5.2.4 The free prop on a signature

5.2.5 Props via presentations

5.3 Simplified signal flow graphs

5.3.1 Rigs

5.3.2 The iconography of signal flow graphs

5.3.3 The prop of matrices over a rig

5.3.4 Turning signal flow graphs into matrices

5.3.5 The idea of functorial semantics

5.4 Graphical linear algebra

5.4.1 A presentation of Mat(\(R\))

5.4.2 Aside: monoid objects in a monoidal category

5.4.3 Signal flow graphs: feedback and more

5.5 Summary and further reading


Problem set 3 (PDF) due at the beginning of Session 14.

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Lecture Videos

Session 11

Chapter 6: Circuits: Hypergraph Categories and Operads Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 12

Chapter 6: Circuits: Hypergraph Categories and Operads Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 6: Circuits: Hypergraph Categories and Operads (PDF)

6.1 The ubiquity of network languages

6.2 Colimits and connection

6.2.1 Initial objects

6.2.2 Coproducts

6.2.3 Pushouts

6.2.4 Finite colimits

6.2.5 Cospans

6.3 Hypergraph categories

6.3.1 Frobenius monoids

6.3.2 Wiring diagrams for hypergraph categories

6.3.3 Definition of hypergraph category

6.4 Decorated cospans

6.4.1 Symmetric monoidal functors

6.4.2 Decorated cospans

6.4.3 Electric circuits

6.5 Operads and their algebras

6.5.1 Operads design wiring diagrams

6.5.2 Operads from symmetric monoidal categories

6.5.3 The operad for hypergraph props

6.6 Summary and further reading

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Lecture Videos

Session 13

Chapter 7: Logic of Behavior: Sheaves, Toposes, Languages Part 1

by Dr. David I. Spivak

Session 14

Chapter 7: Logic of Behavior: Sheaves, Toposes, Languages Part 2

by Dr. Brendan Fong


Internal links in the chapter file below are non-functional. For working links, open the file for the full textbook: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory: Seven Sketches in Compositionality (PDF - 2.6MB).

Chapter 7: Logic of Behavior: Sheaves, Toposes, Languages (PDF)

7.1 How can we prove our machine is safe?

7.2 The category Set as an exemplar topos

7.2.1 Set-like properties enjoyed by any topos

7.2.2 The subobject classifier

7.2.3 Logic in the topos Set

7.3 Sheaves

7.3.1 Presheaves

7.3.2 Topological spaces

7.3.3 Sheaves on topological spaces

7.4 Toposes

7.4.1 The subobject classifier \(\Omega\) in a sheaf topos

7.4.2 Logic in a sheaf topos

7.4.3 Predicates

7.4.4 Quantification

7.4.5 Modalities

7.4.6 Type theories and semantics

7.5 A topos of behavior types

7.5.1 The interval domain

7.5.2 Sheaves on \(\mathbb{IR}\)

7.5.3 Safety proofs in temporal logic

7.6 Summary and further reading

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Course Info

As Taught In
January IAP 2019
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Problem Sets
Online Textbook
Instructor Insights