Course Description
This course explores the role of race and ethnicity in modern American politics. It focuses on social science approaches to measuring the effects of race, both at the individual level and more broadly. Topics include race and representation, measurement of racial and ethnic identities, voting rights and electoral …
This course explores the role of race and ethnicity in modern American politics. It focuses on social science approaches to measuring the effects of race, both at the individual level and more broadly. Topics include race and representation, measurement of racial and ethnic identities, voting rights and electoral districting, protest and other forms of political participation, and the meaning and measurement of racial attitudes.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Instructor Insights
![A solemn-faced brown-skinned woman, seated beneath the American flag, holds a sign with the text: Black Lives Matter.](/courses/17-269-race-ethnicity-and-american-politics-spring-2017/7429f3037bfe04f6247cc8dfef0aee33_17-269s17.jpg)
The Black Lives Matter movement and its effect on American politics is one of the topics explored in this course. (Image courtesy of UNARMED CIVILIAN on flickr. License CC BY-NC-SA.)