Click on the audio file after each word or phrase to hear it pronounced. All pronunciation recordings for this section are available to download here: (ZIP - 1.6MB) (This ZIP file contains: 26 .mov files.)
Section A
- tizu (“map”) → ちず (MOV)
- migi (“right side”) → みぎ(MOV)
- gogo (“afternoon”) → ごご (MOV)
- tegami (“letter”) → てがみ (MOV)
- hidari (“left side”) → ひだり (MOV)
- kazoku (“family”) → かぞく (MOV)
- sinbun (“newspaper”) → しんぶん (MOV)
- denwa (“telephone”) → でんわ (MOV)
- kaban (“bag”) → かばん (MOV)
- enpitu (“pencil”) → えんぴつ (MOV)
Section B
- tabemasu. ("[I] eat.") → たべます。(MOV)
- dekimasu. ("[It] is possible/[I] can do [it].") → できます。(MOV)
- itadakimasu. ("[I] receive.") → いただきます。(MOV)
- doozo (“Please.”) → どうぞ。(MOV)
- tigaimasu. ("[It’s] wrong.") → ちがいます。(MOV)
- arigatoogozaimasu. (“Thank you very much.”) → ありがとうござ います。(MOV)
Section C
- にほんご (“Japanese language”) (MOV)
- だいがく (“college”) (MOV)
- ぜんぶ (“all”) (MOV)
- おなじ (“the same”) (MOV)
- ぎんざ (“Ginza”) (MOV)
- ぱちぱち (“crackling”) (MOV)
- ぴかぴか (“flashing”) (MOV)
- ぽとぽと (“dripping”) (MOV)
- だめです (“it’s no good”) (MOV)
- なんばん (“what number?”) (MOV)
[Listening #3]
[Listening #5]