RES.21G-01 | Spring 2010 | Undergraduate



Hiragana Exercise Sheet - Listening #4

Click on the audio file after each word or phrase to hear it pronounced. All pronunciation recordings for this section are available to download here: (ZIP - 1.6MB) (This ZIP file contains: 26 .mov files.)

Section A

  1. tizu (“map”) → ちず (MOV)
  2. migi (“right side”) → みぎ(MOV)
  3. gogo (“afternoon”) → ごご (MOV)
  4. tegami (“letter”) → てがみ (MOV)
  5. hidari (“left side”) → ひだり (MOV)
  6. kazoku (“family”) → かぞく (MOV)
  7. sinbun (“newspaper”) → しんぶん (MOV)
  8. denwa (“telephone”) → でんわ (MOV)
  9. kaban (“bag”) → かばん (MOV)
  10. enpitu (“pencil”) → えんぴつ (MOV)

Section B

  1. tabemasu. ("[I] eat.") → たべます。(MOV)
  2. dekimasu. ("[It] is possible/[I] can do [it].") → できます。(MOV)
  3. itadakimasu. ("[I] receive.") → いただきます。(MOV)
  4. doozo (“Please.”) → どうぞ。(MOV)
  5. tigaimasu. ("[It’s] wrong.") → ちがいます。(MOV)
  6. arigatoogozaimasu. (“Thank you very much.”) → ありがとうござ います。(MOV)

Section C

  1. にほんご (“Japanese language”) (MOV)
  2. だいがく (“college”) (MOV)
  3. ぜんぶ (“all”) (MOV)
  4. おなじ (“the same”) (MOV)
  5. ぎんざ (“Ginza”) (MOV)
  6. ぱちぱち (“crackling”) (MOV)
  7. ぴかぴか (“flashing”) (MOV)
  8. ぽとぽと (“dripping”) (MOV)
  9. だめです (“it’s no good”) (MOV)
  10. なんばん (“what number?”) (MOV)

[Listening #3]
[Listening #5]

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