RES.21G-01 | Spring 2010 | Undergraduate



Hiragana: Voiced and Semi-Voiced Sounds

The three voiceless consonants, /k/, /s/, and /t/ have voiced counterparts called dakuon. The voiced counterpart of /k/ is /g/, /s/ is /z/, and /t/ is /d/. The symbolic representation to indicate voicing of these consonants is very systematic and simple: add two dots at the upper right corner of each symbol. For instance, observe the following:

/ka/ か → /ga/ が
/sa/ さ → /za/ ざ
/ta/ た → /da/ だ

It is important to note that the voiced counterparts of /si/ し and /ti/ ち, which are /zi/ じ and /zi/ ぢ, respectively, are pronounced the same. Likewise, the voiced counterparts of /su/ す and /tu/ つ, which are /zu/ ず and /zu/ づ, are also pronounced the same.

The question that naturally arises is, when does one use one or the other? The answer to this question is that in most cases, we use じ for /zi/ and ず for /zu/. Cases where you use ぢ and づ are very limited and we will let you know whenever such cases arise.

The syllables beginning with /p/ are called the “semivoiced” counterparts of /b/, i.e. /pa/ /pi/ /pu/ /pe/ /po/. To indicate these sounds, attach a little circle (instead of two dots) at the upper right corner of /ha/ /hi/ /hu/ /he/ /ho/, respectively:

は、ひ、ふ、へ、ほ → ぱ、ぴ、ぷ、ぺ、ぽ

Follow the links in the table below to see brush-stroke and printed versions of the characters, and some usage examples of each.

  a i u e o

[Next: Consonant + y + Vowel; Syllabic n]

Printed form:

Reading: ga

Usage Examples:
てがみ (tegami) letter
だいがく (daigaku) university
ちがいます (tigaimasu/chigaimasu) be different
かがみ (kagami) mirror


Printed form:

Reading: ba

Usage Examples:
たばこ (tabako) cigarette
かばん (kaban) bag
なんばん (nanban) what number


Printed form:

Reading: be

Usage Examples:
べんごし (bengosi/bengoshi) lawyer
べんり (benri) convenient
たべます (tabemasu) to eat


Printed form:

Reading: bi

Usage Examples:
へび (hebi) snake
びん (bin) bottle


Printed form:

Reading: bo

Usage Examples:
ぼく (boku) I (used by males)


Printed form:

Reading: bu

Usage Examples:
ぶんか (bunka) culture
ぶた (buta) pig
しんぶん (sinbun/shinbun) newspaper


Printed form:

Reading: da

Usage Examples:
ひだり (hidari) left
らくだ (rakuda) camel
だめです (damedesu) It’s no good.


Printed form:

Reading: de

Usage Examples:
うで (ude) arm
でんき (denki) electricity
でんわ (denwa) telephone
できます (dekimasu) to be able


Printed form:

Reading: do

Usage Examples:
こども (kodomo) child
おどり (odori) dance


Printed form:

Reading: ge

Usage Examples:
げんこつ (genkotu/genkotsu) fist
かげ (kage) shadow


Printed form:

Reading: gi

Usage Examples:
みぎ (migi) right
かぎ (kagi) key


Printed form:

Reading: go

Usage Examples:
ごご (gogo) afternoon
にほんご (nihongo) Japanese language


Printed form:

Reading: gu

Usage Examples:
もぐら (mogura) mole
ぐち (guti/guchi) complains


Printed form:

Reading: ji

Usage Examples:
はなぢ (hanazi/hanaji) bleeding from nose
ちぢむ (tizimu/chijimu) shrink


Printed form:

Reading: pa

Usage Examples:
ぱちぱち (patipati/pachipachi) crackling


Printed form:

Reading: pe

Usage Examples:
ぺらぺら (perapera) fluently


Printed form:

Reading: pi

Usage Examples:
ぴかぴか (pikapika) flashing
えんぴつ (enpitsu) pencil


Printed form:

Reading: po

Usage Examples:
ぽとぽと (potopoto) dripping


Printed form:

Reading: pu

Usage Examples:
おんぷ (onpu) music note


Printed form:

Reading: za

Usage Examples:
ぎんざ (ginza) Ginza
ざぶとん (zabuton) seat futon


Printed form:

Reading: ze

Usage Examples:
ぜんぶ (zenbu) all


Printed form:

Reading: zi/ji

Usage Examples:
くじら (kuzira/kujira) whale
おなじ (onazi/onaji) the same


Printed form:

Reading: zo

Usage Examples:
かぞく (kazoku) family


Printed form:

Reading: zu

Usage Examples:
つづき (tuzuki/tsuzuki) sequel
みかづき (mikazuki) crescent


Printed form:

Reading: zu

Usage Examples:
ちず (tizu/chizu) map


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