RES.3-004 | Fall 2017 | Undergraduate

Visualizing Materials Science

Student Projects by Year

2017 l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Student Projects

 Quantum Time Evolution Using the Split Operator Fourier Transform Algorithm  (notebook & videos in English and German)

 Tight Binding Model  (notebook & video)

 Crystallography (notebook & video)

 Potential Energy Surfaces (notebook & videos in English and Catalan)

 2D Brillouin Zones (notebook & video)

 Crystallographic Point Groups (notebook & video)

 A Basic and Fun Introduction to Crystalline Structures (notebook & videos in English and Spanish)

 Heat Transfer in a Material (notebooks & videos in English and French)

 Mohr’s Circles  (notebook & video)


This video covers a basic knowledge of Crystalline Structures including the basic terminology and will enable you to understand more deep and complex structures later on.

A Basic and Fun Introduction to Crystalline Structures (NB)

Spanish Version

Courtesy of Marcelo Gonzalez Alanis.


Crystalline structure is a fundamental property of materials. Each structure has been classified or decomposed into elements or blocks which can be combined to make the crystals found in nature. Some of those elements are known as crystallographic point groups, the set of symmetry operations that coexist while leaving a point fixed. In total, and with the restrictions of crystals, there are 32 crystallographic point groups; combined with the 14 Bravais Lattices and other translations, they make up the 230 space groups describing all material symmetries.

A Visualisation of Crystallographic Point Groups (NB)

Courtesy of Luca Montarelli.


This project aims to provide a user-friendly tool to visualize 3D CS, BCC and FCC Bravais lattice structures that can be manipulated. With the help of a periodic table panel, the user can choose between different elements and the addition of interstitial atoms.

Crystallography, a Visualisation Tool for CS, BCC, and FCC Bravais Lattice Structures (NB)

Courtesy of Alexis Gervaix.


This video introduces the basic theory of heat transfer in a material with some concrete examples as illustration.

Heat Transfer in a Material (NB)

French Version

Heat Transfer in a Material (NB)

Courtesy of Morgan Binggeli.


This project provides a simple Monte Carlo Method to simulate Potential Energy Surfaces (PES) of any shape and includes some easy examples.

Potential Energy Surfaces (NB)

Catalan Version

Courtesy of Anna Morales Melgares.


The Split Operator Fourier Transform (SOFT) Algorithm offers a nice way to simulate quantum time evolution with controllable approximations. This video explores the algorithm to visualize common phenomena of quantum mechanics.

Quantum Time Evolution Using the Split Operator Fourier Transform Algorithm (NB)

Supplemental Information on Quantum Time Evolution Using the Split Operator Fourier Transform Algorithm (PDF)

German Version

Courtesy MIT student.


Using Wolfram Mathematica, this video briefly introduces the theoretical basics of the tight binding model and its application in analyzing band structures of cubic crystals.

Tight Binding Model (NB)

Courtesy MIT student.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2017
Learning Resource Types
Tutorial Videos
Projects with Examples