RES.3-004 | Fall 2017 | Undergraduate

Visualizing Materials Science

Student Projects by Year

2017 l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Student Projects

 Quantum Time Evolution Using the Split Operator Fourier Transform Algorithm  (notebook & videos in English and German)

 Tight Binding Model  (notebook & video)

 Crystallography (notebook & video)

 Potential Energy Surfaces (notebook & videos in English and Catalan)

 2D Brillouin Zones (notebook & video)

 Crystallographic Point Groups (notebook & video)

 A Basic and Fun Introduction to Crystalline Structures (notebook & videos in English and Spanish)

 Heat Transfer in a Material (notebooks & videos in English and French)

 Mohr’s Circles  (notebook & video)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2017
Learning Resource Types
Tutorial Videos
Projects with Examples