RES.3-004 | Fall 2017 | Undergraduate

Visualizing Materials Science

2017 l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Student Projects

Crystallography, a Visualisation Tool for CS, BCC, and FCC Bravais Lattice Structures


This project aims to provide a user-friendly tool to visualize 3D CS, BCC and FCC Bravais lattice structures that can be manipulated. With the help of a periodic table panel, the user can choose between different elements and the addition of interstitial atoms.

Crystallography, a Visualisation Tool for CS, BCC, and FCC Bravais Lattice Structures (NB)

Courtesy of Alexis Gervaix.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2017
Learning Resource Types
Tutorial Videos
Projects with Examples