RES.9-006 | Spring 2018 | Non-Credit

AFNI Training Bootcamp

Class Handouts by Topic

Additional handouts can be found on the NIMH NIH AFNI handouts directory page.

Topics Handouts
AFNI, FMRI, and Dimon (lecture) Introduction to AFNI (PDF)
AFNI Interactive and Driving AFNI (hands-on) Using AFNI Interactively (PDF)
Individual Subject Analysis (lecture) FMRI Task-Based Data Analysis at the Individual Level (PDF)
Regression (hands-on) Regression Analysis (PDF)
Alignment and Atlases (lecture)

Alignment and Atlases (PDF)

Alignment and Atlases - Extra-Special Supplementary Information (PDF) 

FMRI Analysis: Start-to-Middle (hands-on) AFNI Start to Finish: FMRI Analysis with AFNI (PDF)
Advanced Regression (lecture)

3dDeconvolve Advanced Regression Features (PDF)


Atlases and Regions of Interest (ROIs) (lecture)

Alignment and Atlases (PDF)


Surface Analysis: SUMA (hands-on)


SUMA Keystrokes (TXT)

Resting State and InstaCorr (lecture/hands-on)

Resting State FMRI: Analysis Methods and Analysis Problems (PDF)

Instant Analyses in AFNI and SUMA: Clusters and Correlations (PDF)

DTI and FATCAT (lecture/hands-on)

Introduction to DWI and DTI (PDF)

Introduction to DTI-Tracking (PDF)

More About DTI-Tracking: Practicalities and Programs (PDF)


Connectivity and Visualization (hands-on)

Hands-On the FATCAT (PDF)

Advanced VIS Notes (TXT)



Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2018
Learning Resource Types
Workshop Videos
Lecture Videos