RES.9-007 | Spring 2019 | Non-Credit

MEG Workshop

Workshop Content

Note: Clicking the links below will take you directly to the CBMM resources. 

Recorded on May 6, 2019.

Session 1

Video: MEG/EEG Source Estimation Approaches: A Spectrum of Purpose-Built Optimal Tools

Speaker: Matti Hämäläinen, Massachusetts General Hospital

Session 1 slides (PDF)

Session 2

Video: Decoding Cognitive Function with MEG: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Future Prospects

Speaker: Dimitrios Pantazis, MIT - McGovern Institute for Brain Research 

Session 2 slides (PDF)

Session 3

Video: Large Scale High Temporal Resolution Effective Connectivity Analysis from MEG and the Problem of Inference

Speaker: David Gow, Massachusetts General Hospital

Session 3 slides (PPTX) and Session 3 associated video file (MOV)

Session 4

Video: Demonstration of MEG Data Analysis Using Brainstorm

Speaker: Dimitrios Pantazis, MIT - McGovern Institute for Brain Research

No slides available

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Workshop Videos
Lecture Videos