This section includes the facilitator guides for each class session. They serve as detailed instructions for the instructor or teaching assistant leading the class activities and discussion. While they provide a description of the class activities, the guides are aimed at educators rather than students.
1 | Setting goals for individuals and the team itself for the semester. Relates Warren Center pre-term orientation team building exercise (“What individual strengths do you bring to the team”) to individual and team strengths, needs, objectives and processes (PDF) | Create a “motto” for the team. Set individual and team goals for management communication and semester. |
2 | Giving and receiving feedback: a primer on “how to”. (PDF) | Learn protocol for giving and receiving feedback. Set individual goals. |
3 | Structuring an impromptu: provides a slow-motion practice on structure and development of an impromptu, including how to answer a question. (PDF) | Rehearse for impromptus in class and learn basic structures for speaking. |
4 | Storytelling about leadership: tell a story about an intense experience of leadership—either your own or someone else’s leadership.(PDF) | Relate experience of leadership to Distributed Leadership Model (DLM). Practice the non-verbal aspects of speaking to build on during rest of term. Understand the power and importance of stories. Learn more about your teammates. |
5 | Culture and leadership exercise: identify leadership characteristics you most admire associated with your culture (PDF) | Prepare for intercultural communication and deepen understanding of leadership. |
6 | Conflict resolution: the basis for managing conflict. (PDF) | Use tools of communication to manage and resolve conflict. |
7 | Team feedback: feedback for each individual member on their strengths and weaknesses in contributing to the team (PDF) | Help individuals learn about their ability to work in a team and their team leadership roles. Prepare team for coping to complete Organizational Processes (OP) project presentation. Shore up team’s strengths and weaknesses. Compare with earlier team and individual goals. |
8 | Informational interviewing. Responding to interviewing questions and practicing active listening. (PDF) | Prepare for listening in interactive presentations and preparing for interviewing. Rehearse “inquiry” aspect of DLM. |
9 | Communicating your vision of leadership. Delivering a “vision” to your organization. (PDF) | Review DLM, focusing on visioning. Prepare a 2-3 minute vision of a better organization, using context of previous job. Practice concrete and vivid language. |
10 | Organizational Processes (OP) team project presentation rehearsal (PDF) | Help teams structure and improve team’s project presentation. Reinforce importance of rehearsal. |
11-12 | Team review of project presentation videotape. Review goals and objectives. Feedback on team presentation. (PDF) | Reflect with team on presentation. Final feedback on coach and team and lab. |