
This workshop provided participants with a unique opportunity to take a plunge into the challenges and opporunities for innovation in the field of global health by partnering with an organization that serves the poor. Students committed to three intensive, back-to-back days of research and collaboration focusing on Sangath, an India-based NGO dedicated to health across the life span.

Each day’s plans, activities and assignments are outlined on the following pages:

Plan for Day One

  • Introduction to global health (90-minute lecture (PDF - 2.9MB))
  • In–class study: Web and literature research on issues in child development, mental health, and chronic disease in India, via an assigned set of resources—readings, websites, podcasts, and videos. Study the resources in pairs, then prepare a briefing. Think of this as a three-bullet review assignment: What’s the particular resource about, in a nutshell? What is really great / interesting / valuable? What is missing? Read students’ Brief Reviews
  • Rapid–fire peer briefing: Share with all classmates some key highlights from what you have learned from your assigned global health resource. 
  • Form cluster groups. Choose one of the following topics: Managing and helping people with dementia; Maternal mental health; Child development and disabilities, especially autism; Addiction and interventions focusing on alcohol.

Looking ahead: Class discussion on how to assess, appreciate, and design assistance for a global health delivery organization.

Assignments for Day Two

Read the following:

Watch this TED talk:

Come to class with at least one question for Sangath mapped out in writing. We kick off at 8AM with a joint call to all seven experts assigned to work with us.

Note: On Tuesday, after the call you’ll spend the rest of the day scouting the MIT and Boston–area ecosystem and meeting experts to generate what you think may be interesting ideas, technologies, and innovations that meet Sangath’s needs. You’ll have a chance to review their applicability and learn more in team calls to your assigned experts on Wednesday morning.

Plan for Day Three

  • In teams, talk with your assigned NGO contact on Skype or Google Hangout (or by phone, messaging, or email, if necessary) to get answers to your questions posed the night before.

  • You will have time after your early morning call with Sangath to finalize the deck, which is due at 10:45AM by email.

  • Refine presentation, following up with any experts or conducting online research as needed. Anjali Sastry will be available for consultation during this time (from 8AM to 10:45AM). Use these times, and have her put you in touch with more people if needed.

  • Submit updated presentations by 10:45AM.

  • Meet in the classroom from 11AM to 1:30PM.

  • Class presentation: Students present to entire group, then panelists offer feedback and reflection to all (11:30AM to 12:30PM).

Every team presented their ideas and findings to the class. A distinguished guest, Deputy Director of the MIT Energy Initiative and Director of the Tata Center for Technology and Design, Robert Stoner offered feedback and joined in a classwide discussion of the mini projects. To set context, a student presented a quicke selection of contextual materials about Sangath (see lecture notes (PDF)__).

  • Working lunch: Debrief with team and class over an Indian meal. Also touch base with Anjali Sastry to reflect on what you have learned, and use the final 30 minutes set aside for each team to refine and update their presentation and send to NGO contact person (and Cc the instructor).

Plan for Day Two

Students will spend all of day two gathering ideas and meeting experts to generate what they think may be interesting ideas.

  • Early Skype call with staff from the NGO: For the four focal areas, 5-minute presentations; questions and discussion format.
  • Introduction to experts on call and plan for the day and quick team check-in with Anjali Sastry regarding the action plan.
  • Teams work on their own most of the day, using web resources, phone calls, site visits, skype, and email to interact with experts on call.
  • Lunch hour is flexible.

In the afternoon each team will sign up for a 30-minute slot to check in with Anjali Sastry for feedback, advice, and discussion.

By the end of day two (before 5PM), each team will:

  • Develop a focused set of quick questions and / or discussion topics for your Sangath staff contacts in order to be prepped for tomorrow morning’s call. Send a message listing topics or questions by direct email to your Sangath contacts before the end of the day. Also, make sure in the email to plan for how and when you will talk to the Sangath folks tomorrow morning.
  • Draft a 4-slide presentation that you will subsequently update tomorrow after your interaction with Sangath.
  • Send a status update email to the instructor listing whom you met, confirming that you have a draft deck, and mentioning the research you’ve done today.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2015
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples
Presentation Assignments
Instructor Insights