STS.080 | Spring 2016 | Undergraduate

Youth Political Participation


1 Defining our terms: What is youth? What is political participation? Why study these phenomena in historical perspective? Why study the role of technology and media in these events? None
2 Youth Political Participation before 1900 Young men’s voluntary associations
3 Youth Political Participation 1900–1930 Young people’s participation in World War One
4 Youth Political Participation in the 1930s College radio
5 Test 1
6 Youth Political Participation 1940–1960 The invention of the “teenager” as a social category
7 Youth Political Participation in the “Long” 1960s Conservative youth movements
8 Students will visit the MIT Museum; discuss the history of political participation of MIT students, with reference to technology, media, and political hacks; and the origins of the Independent Activities Period (IAP).
9 Youth Political Participation 1970–1990 Relationships between cultural and political expression
10 Youth Political Participation since 1990 Youth political participation without technology
11 To be decided by students in consultation with instructor. Options include continuing readings and discussion about the contemporary scene, take a field trip, or do something else.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Presentation Assignments
Activity Assignments
Instructor Insights