
For a complete list of assignments please go to the Assignments section.


Introductions: instructors and students identify personal, intellectual, and professional interests and introduce themselves:

a) In relation to the course title and description.

b) By formulating questions in response to the Paper Tiger Video, “Donna Haraway Reads National Geographic on Primates.” (1989)

First look at “KAQ” (Knowledge claims-Actions that follow Questions for Inquiry) framework for teasing out diverse inquiries, in this case inquiries based on students’ initial responses to the video.

Complete syllabus treasure hunt

Read Case 1: Haraway and the Paper Tiger video.

Use KQ of KAQ to identify questions for further inquiry.


Probing each other’s KAQs on the Haraway case

Discussion of questions raised about requirements, the wiki, and the syllabus.

Check-in (= succinct reports) on findings from inquiry between classes.

Introduction to the “Actions that follow” part of KAQ.

Workshop on generating questions, inquiring into them, and designing the resource guide required by case 1

Prepare guides teaching/engaging others to interpret the cultural dimensions of science (for case 1).

Case 1, continued.

Presentation of guides for teaching/engaging others to interpret the cultural dimensions of science.

Read case 2: The Werskey case

Case 2: The Werskey case

Probing each other’s KAQs and in-class research with coaching by the instructors.

Continue research and prepare work-in progress presentations.

Case 2, continued.

Presentations on Werskey work-in-progress assignment towards next week’s visit.

(Preparing work-in-progress presentations, hearing yourself deliver them, and getting feedback usually leads to self-clarification of the overall direction of your project and of your priorities for further work.)

Continue research and prepare presentation to the GCWS panel.

Presentations to the GCWS Panel with Q&A on process and products.

Begin case 3: Genomics

Case 3: Genomics

Initial thinking by students, followed by mini lectures by instructors on the intersection of genomics, gender, race, and STS.

Progress report by email & check-in with instructors by phone about step 2 and ideas for guides.

Start final projects and prepare paragraph overview of project.

8 Case 3: presentation of guides on genomics  

Case 3: continuation of presentations of guides, and synthesis activity.

Works-in progress presentations for final projects.

Prepare as requested by the pre-circulated materials from the presenters.
10 Presentation of drafts of grant proposals, teaching cases, syllabi, curriculum units, etc. The class will act as a jury to review and ask questions. Prepare as requested by the pre-circulated materials from the presenters.
11 Continuation of presentation of drafts of grant proposals, teaching cases, syllabi, curriculum units, etc. The class will act as a jury to review and ask questions. Prepare as requested by the pre-circulated materials from the presenters.

Continuation of presentation of drafts of grant proposals, teaching cases, syllabi, curriculum units, etc. The class will act as a jury to review and ask questions (cont.).

Draft report due on final product

Draft of peer commentary.

Final presentations

Taking stock of the course: where have we come and where do we go from here?


Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2009
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments
Activity Assignments
Presentation Assignments