Getting Started
Primary Readings
- Maantay and Ziegler, GIS for the Urban Environment, Chapter 1
- Longley et al., Geographical Information Systems and Science, Chapter 1
Case Study Readings (optional, but helpful for homework)
- Maantay and Ziegler, Case Studies 1-2
- Longley et al., Chapter 2
Helpful Resources for Websites
- DUSPviz – Intro to HTML and CSS
- DUSPviz – Portfolios with a Bootstrap Template
- DUSPviz - Tutorials
Cartography and Map Design
Primary Readings
- Slocum, et al., Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization, Chapter 1
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapter 4
Visual Guides to Symbols and Classification (optional, but recommended reference for homework)
- Krygier and Wood, Making Maps, Chapters 8 and 9
Case Study Readings: Power of Visualization
- Kurgan, Close Up at a Distance, Chapter 9
- Kitchin et al., Rethinking Maps, Chapter 1
Optional Reading
- Corner, “The Agency of Mapping” (great for designers!)
- Cosgrove, “Carto-City” (great for urbanists!)
Spatial Data - Types, Structures, and Representation
Primary Readings
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapter 4
- Longley et al., Chapter 9
- Salm, “Visualizing NYC’s MapPLUTO Database”
Case Study Readings: Zoning and GIS
- Bui et al., “40 Percent of the Buildings in Manhattan Could Not Be Built Today”
- Zandbergen and Hart, “Reducing Housing Options for Convicted Sex Offenders”
Web Sites to Explore
- Municipal Art Society: Accidental Skyline Tool
- Cambridge Map Viewer
Optional Reading (summary, helpful for quick understanding)
- Krygier and Wood, Chapter 3
Quantitative Mapping: Census Data and the ACS
Primary Readings:
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapter 6
- Peters and MacDonald, Urban Policy and the Census, Chapters 1 and 2 (Chapter 3 optional)
- Badger, “A Census Question That Could Change How Power Is Divided in America”
- Branigan, “China census could be first to record true population”
Case Study: Segregation, Funding, and Schools
- Turner, “The 50 Most Segregating School Borders In America”
- Turner, “Why America’s Schools Have A Money Problem” NPR, 2016
- Fault Lines Web Map
- “Fault Lines: America’s Most Segregated School District Borders” (pp. 21-26 mandatory, the rest optional)
Web Sites to Explore
- Census Data Visualization Gallery
- Bloch et al., “Mapping the 2010 U.S. Census”
- Aisch et al., “Where We Came From and Where We Went, State by State”
- Bloch et al., “Mapping America: Every City, Every Block”
- Gebeloff et al., “Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live”
- Bloch et al., “Mapping Uninsured Americans”
- Community Data Portal, Pratt Center for Community Development
Optional Reading
- Monmonier, How to Lie with Maps, Chapter 10
Spatial Data Formats and Geoprocessing
Primary Readings
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapter 9
- Schlossberg, “GIS, the US Census and Neighborhood Scale Analysis”
Case Study: Transportation Catchment Areas and GIS
- Andersen and Landex, “GIS-based Approaches to Catchment Area Analysis of Mass Transit”
- Frank et al., “Urban Form, Travel Time, and Cost Relationships with Tour Complexity and Mode Choice”
- Cox, “Region’s Transportation and Land-Use Policies Have Little Effect on Traffic Congestion”
Optional Reading
- Kremer and DeLiberty, “Local Food Practices and Growing Potential”
Geocoding and Address Finding - Beginning Raster Decision Making
Primary Readings
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapter 7
- Shkolnikov, “Befriending a Geocoder”
Case Study: Geo-coding (for those interested in U.S.-based economic development and arts and culture)
- Currid and Williams, “The Geography of Buzz”
Case Study: Addressing the Favelas (everyone look at this!)
- “Take a Trip to the Olympics with what3words and RioGo”
- “Addressing Brazil’s favelas | what3words”
- Marshall, “Google and Microsoft are Putting Rio’s Favelas on the Map”
Reference Reading (to understand geocoding errors and issues
- Goldberg et al., “From Text to Geographic Goordinates”
- Zandbergen, “Influence of street reference data on geocoding quality”
- Hart and Zandbergen, “Reference data and geocoding quality” (good background on geo-coding problems you should be aware of)
Raster Decision Making and Suitability
Primary Readings
- Maantay and Ziegler, Chapters 9 and 12
- Collins, Steiner, and Richman, “Land-Use Suitability Analysis in the United States”
Case Study
- Kar and Hodgson, “A GIS‐Based Model to Determine Site Suitability of Emergency Evacuation Shelters”
Optional Reading
- Carr and Zwick, “Using GIS Suitability Analysis to Identify Potential Future Land Use Conflicts”
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