11.953 | Spring 2006 | Graduate

Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning


Ses # Topics KEY DATES
1 Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning?

Course Overview, Objectives, Expectations, Logistics, Student Interests, Basic Course Framework, Why Comparative Land Use and Transportation Planning?

Introductory Assignment (Your Neighborhood) out
Part I: Understanding the Metropolitan-“izing” World
2 Metropolitan-ization Forces, Patterns and Trends, Concerns

3 “Models” of the Metropolis Introductory Assignment due
4 “Regional Architectures”: Institutions of the Metropolis

Part II: The Basics of Activities and Travel
5 Accessibility: The Land Use-Transportation Link

6 Basics of Travel Demand: Persons and Firms Assignment I (Accessibility Management in the Metropolis) out
Part III: The Influence of Land Use on Mobility and Accessibility
7 Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Something New?

8 Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Conceptualizing the Effects Assignment I due
9 Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): Analytical Approaches

10 Mobility/Accessibility = f (Land Use): A Matter of Scale Assignment II (Santiago de Chile) out
11 Measuring Urban Form and Urban Design

12 Implications for Planning Policies and Tools Assignment II due

Assignment III (North Point, Cambridge) out

13 Financial Instruments

Part IV: The Influence of Transportation on Land Use
14 Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: History of Effects Assignment III due

Assignment IV (Passaic Urban Design Studio) out

15 Public Transportation and Metropolitan Growth

16 Public Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: Case Studies in Integration

17 Passaic Studio Presentation Assignment IV due (Student groups will present their results of the passaic studio analysis to the studio)
18 Roadways and Metropolitan Growth

19 Roadways and Metropolitan Growth: São Paulo Case

Guest Speaker: Ciro Biderman

Assignment V (São Paulo Ring Road) out
20 Transportation and Metropolitan Growth: Financial Instruments

21 Transportation Networks and Travel Behavior Assignment V due
Part V: Metropolitan Futures
22 Pulling It All Together: Land Use, Mobility, Accessibility

Guest Speaker: Chris Porter, Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

23 Back to the Future? Land Use Mobility, Accessibility in Metropolitan China Assignment VI (China Metropolitan Futures) out
24 The Future of the Metropolis: Theoretical Speculations

25 The Future of the Metropolis: Tools and Models

Guest Speaker: Mikel Murga

26 Student Presentations Assignment VI due

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2006
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Written Assignments with Examples