15.990 | Fall 2003 | Graduate

Architecture and Communication in Organizations


Day One
6-9 PM Opening Event
Day Two
8-8:30 AM Group Coffee and Administration
8:30-10:30 AM Strategy and Design: Why Space Matters
10:30-11:30 AM Architecture and Communication
11:30-1 PM Lunch and Opportunity to Visit Office Spaces at MIT and Kendall Square
1-2:30 PM Collective Intelligence and Information Distribution
2:30-4 PM Marketing, Distributed Work and Reinvention
Day Three
8-8:30 AM Coffee
8:30-10 AM Architecture of Knowledge
10-11:30 PM From Consolidation to Innovation
11:30-1 PM Lunch Break
1-2:30 PM Discussion of Case Studies and Emerging Topics
2:30-4 PM Workplace Design: An Evolving Practice