16.30 | Fall 2010 | Undergraduate

Feedback Control Systems


Homework 1 (PDF)
Homework 2 (PDF)
Homework 3 (PDF)
Homework 4 (PDF)
Homework 5 (PDF)
Homework 6 (PDF)
Homework 7 (PDF)

Lab 1 (PDF)  
Lab 2 (PDF)

Competition (PDF)

Appendix (PDF)

16.31 Project

As part of the course requirements, students enrolled in 16.31 (graduate) must do a project on a topic of their choosing. The purpose of this project is to enhance your understanding of the course material on a specific topic, through either exploration of the controls literature or application to a real-world system.

Students enrolled in 16.30 (undergraduate) are not required to complete a project.

Project Options

Your choice of project topic should fall into one of the following four categories:

  1. Read and summarize two recent papers of interest, on topics related to the course material.
  2. Use techniques developed in the class to design a controller for a system related to your thesis research.
  3. Design and implement a MIMO state-space controller on the Quansers. (Note: In the past, this has proven to be quite intensive, so working with a partner is suggested.) Some LabVIEW coding will be necessary. Most likely, you will be asked to code within a “black box”, for which the inputs are the desired roll/pitch/travel and actual roll/pitch/travel, and the outputs are the unsaturated Quanser motor voltages. We will provide a library of some useful LabVIEW functions.
  4. An idea of your own, preferably related to your research to maximize the utility of this activity.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2010
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Design Assignments