21A.505J | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate

The Anthropology of Sound


Sound Object

Students will create a sound object — a musical or sound art composition, a soundscape, a podcast, a mash-up, a supercut—by semester’s end. In-class sessions will provide guidance on digital audio workstations, mixing, studio use. An aspirational goal of the class will be to create an album we can post on Bandcamp.

For further detail, click on the links below.

Session 3 assignment

Session 5 assignment

Session 6 assignment (Paper 1): Students will write a short (1500 words) paper on any aspect of the readings up through that date that have inspired them and that may inflect the making of their class sound object.

Session 7 assignment

Session 9 assignment

Session 11 assignment

Session 13 assignment (Paper 2): A final paper (1500 words or so) should accompany the sound object, pointing to readings that have been useful, to the object’s intent, and more.

Student Examples

Students created an album of sound objects, “AnthropologyOfSound2022,” which has been posted on Bandcamp.

One of the sound objects, “Paradigm Shifts,” also has an accompanying “Final Paper.” (PDF)

These examples attempt to think, across their four parts, about:

  • the mundanity of sound
  • the contrast between unadorned versus technologically souped-up sound
  • the tactility of sound 
  • the vibratory realm that might unite hearing and deaf apprehension of sound

Note: Student examples appear courtesy of MIT students and are anonymous unless otherwise requested.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples