21A.505J | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate

The Anthropology of Sound

Session 7 Assignment

Mid-Term Sharing of Sound Object Project (brief demo of progress)

Please come to class prepared to share a sample of your work so far on your sound object, duration of roughly 1 1/2 to 4 minutes long.  The length is flexible.  

Please consider the goals of the sound object production too, and try to incorporate various combinations of sampling, recording, MIDI, mixing, adding effects, spatializing and so on.  

Please also come ready to discuss your process, the skills you’ve learned or worked on, some of your discoveries, and some of your outstanding questions and concerns.

This is about making a sound object, but it’s also about reflecting on the learning process, how we adapt to uncertainty, and the complex experience of “making something for ourselves” alongside “sharing with others.”  

I plan to give everyone some small amount of feedback on your progress, and I hope our classmates will share ideas and be generous in supporting each others’ efforts.  

One focus of this class will be on using audio effects. Here’s an introduction to using audio effects in Ableton Live. Please note, this video works from Live 10, though most of us are now using Live 11. The main difference is that Live 11 has reorganized the folders that contain audio effects. Otherwise, this shows the basics of how to add audio effects to adjust the sound of a track. Also, it’s worth noting that effects operate on an entire track, not individual sound samples. So that anything playing in a vertical strip (session view) or horizontal strip (arrangement view) will be affected by the audio effect in that track.

Ableton Live 10 for Beginners - How to use Audio Effects.” YouTube.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples