21A.505J | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate

The Anthropology of Sound


[C] Session taught by Prof. Ian Condry 

[H] Session taught by Prof. Stefan Helmreich

Session 1: Introduction to the Course [C & H]

Session 2: Soundscapes, Acoustemologies, Space, Culture [H] 

Sound/video examples and excerpts in class

Session 3: Make a Beat to Share in Class [C]

Guest: Toshiya Ueno, author, DJ, professor from Japan.

Assignment due: Beat sharing due (See Assignments section for further detail.)

Session 4: Listening Machines [H] 

Guest: Dr. Beth Semel, MIT Department of Anthropology.

Sound/video examples and excerpts in class

Session 5: Propose the Sound Object You Will Work on this Term; Bring a Clip to Demo Ideas [C] 

Assignment due: Sound object proposal due (See Assignments section for further detail.)

Session 6: Phonograph Records, Tape, Compact Discs, MP3s, Algorithmic Streaming [H] 

Sound/video examples and excerpts in class

Film in class

  • Scratch. Directed by Doug Pray. Color, 92 min. 2001.

Assignment due: Paper 1 due (See Assignments section for further detail.)

Session 7: Mid-Term Sharing of Sound Object Project [C] 

See Assignments section for further detail.

Session 8: Sound, Culture, Technology, Property [C & H] 

Sound/video examples and excerpts in class

Session 9: Mixing, EQ, Compression, Other Effects [C] 

See Assignments section for further detail.

Session 10: Sonic Privacy, Sonic Publics [H] 

Sound/video examples and excerpts in class

Film in class

Online lecture to be excerpted in class

Session 11: Mastering vs. Spatializing for Final Mixes [C] 

See Assignments section for further detail.

Session 12: The Sounds of Science [H] 

Session 13: Discussion and reflection on final recording projects, processes of learning, and participant-observation in music and technology [C & H] 

Assignment due: Sound object and Paper 2 due (See Assignments section for further detail.)

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples