21A.505J | Spring 2022 | Undergraduate

The Anthropology of Sound

Session 9 Assignment

Using EQ and Compression for Mastering Your Mix

Please bring the current version of your sound project to share with the class.  

For this class, please continue to work on your sound project in whatever directions you feel are useful.  

Please remember the Tomo Fujita tips for learning to make music: Don’t worry. Don’t compare. Don’t expect too fast. Be kind to yourself.  

In addition this week, I also ask you to experiment with EQ and Compression.  

In Ableton Live, I recommend trying the EQ8 (or the EQ3) audio effect to adjust the mix of frequencies in your mix. I also recommend trying the Glue Compressor to adjust the loudness profile. Remember to try a lot of A/B testing to see if you can learn to hear what these different audio effects do.  

How would you describe the differences in sound that you experience using these tools?  

Here are a couple of tutorials on using Ableton Live for Mastering:

Mastering in Ableton Live - A Step by Step Tutorial.” YouTube.

How to use Compression: 

Delaney, Martin. “Compression and Limiting Demystified in Ableton Live.” February 11, 2019. MusicTech.

If possible, prepare a “Mastered” version of your track and an “Unmastered” version, so we can try to hear the difference too.  

In class, we will share our projects, have a discussion, do some more experimenting with Mastering tools.

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples