21G.034 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Media Education and the Marketplace

Lecture Notes

The material in the table below is presented with the permission of the students in the course.

1 Introduction and Logistics for Class

Prof. Shigeru Miyagawa

Mr. Manish Gaudi

No lecture slides

Rubric for Oral Presentations (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)

Tips for Oral Presentations (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)

Rubric for Writing (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)

Tips for Writing (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)

Peer Editing Questionnaire (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)

Revising the Draft (PDF) (Courtesy of Diane Hendrix.)


Case Study: The MIT OpenCourseWare Story

WSIS Discussion

Prof. Shigeru Miyagawa No lecture slides WSIS Discussion (PDF)
3 Bridging the Digital Divide: Is There Anything to Bridge? Is It Worth It? Students Presentation by Marta Luczynska and Bilha Ndiragu (PDF 1) (PDF 2) No handouts
4 Effective Proposal Writing Mrs. Sally Susnowitz No lecture slides No handouts
5 Case Study: ICT Projects at MIT: A Student Panel

Ms. Anat Binur

Mr. Manish Gaudi

Mr. Dan Wheeler

No lecture slides No handouts
6 The Relationship between ICTs and Entrepreneurship Students No lecture slides

ICTs and Entrepreneurship Discussion (PDF)

ICTs and Entrepreneurship for Development Summary (PDF)

7 ICTs for Development: Past Projects Students Presentation by Tabitha Bonilla 
and Theresa Eugenio (PDF)
No handouts
8 Case Study: ICT Projects at MIT: A Faculty Panel

Prof. Richard Larson, LINC

Prof. Jesus del Alamo, iLabs

No lecture slides No handouts
9 ICTs and Healthcare Students No lecture slides No handouts

WSIS Wrap-Up

ICTs and Nations

Ms. Anita Chan No lecture slides No handouts
11 ICTs and Democracy Students Presentation by Fawah Akwo 
Yonatan Tekleab (PDF)
No handouts


Open Office Hours: Projects

N/A No lecture slides No handouts
13 Final Project Presentations Students No lecture slides No handouts