Course Description
This course explores artistic achievement in a culture that over the past century has engaged in constant and intense imaginative self-renewal. The class studies film, narrative (e.g., Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude), and poetry. Conducted in Spanish.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Presentation Assignments
Written Assignments
Instructor Insights
![A photograph of a gigantic wall-size mural depicting various scenes representing Mexican history.](/courses/21g-730-hispanic-america-one-hundred-years-of-literature-and-film-spring-2014/fea772e030e5aa1f1ed5af2d1fb63773_21g-730s14.jpg)
The mural, “El mundo de hoy y de mañana, 1929–1935” by Diego Rivera at the Palacio Nacional in Mexico. (Image courtesy of Joaquín Martínez on Flickr. CC BY.)