Course Description
This course examines the social, cultural, political, and economic history of the United States, from the Civil War to the present. It uses secondary analysis and primary documents, such as court cases, personal accounts, photographs, and films, to examine some of the key issues in the shaping of modern America, …
This course examines the social, cultural, political, and economic history of the United States, from the Civil War to the present. It uses secondary analysis and primary documents, such as court cases, personal accounts, photographs, and films, to examine some of the key issues in the shaping of modern America, including industrialization and urbanization, immigration, the rise of a mass consumer society, the emergence of the US as a global power, and the development of civil rights activism and other major social movements.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments with Examples
Lecture Notes

Near the watchful gaze of the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, a bronze statue of Rosa Parks sits in the United States Capitol. Parks’ refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger inspired the Montgomery, AL bus boycott and was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. (Image courtesy of bootbearwdc on flickr. License CC BY.)