Related Resources

Websites Relevant to Russian and Soviet History

Alexander Palace Time Machine 
This site has documents relating to the Romanov family, including diaries, letters, reports, memos.

The Chairman Smiles 
This site has posters from the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the People’s Republic of China from the collection of the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.

Communal Living in Russia: A Virtual Museum of Soviet Everyday Life 
This site is devoted to apartment living in the late Soviet period.

Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives 
This site is devoted to the history of the Gulag.

Kennan Institute-National Public Radio Russian History Audio Archive 
This is an on-line audio archive of speeches and voices of key political figures from the Soviet Union such as Lenin and Stalin.

Revelations from the Russian Archives: Documents in English Translation 
This site has a collection of documents and photographs from the archives of the Soviet Union from an exhibit at the Library of Congress.

Seventeen Moments in Soviet History 
This site is devoted to the history of the Soviet Union through an innovative use of texts, music, documents, and video.

Soviet Music 
This website is devoted to music written under communism. It is a collection of songs about war, the military, patriotism, and leaders and also contains speeches and posters.

Stalinka: Digital Library of Staliniana 
This is a digital library of texts and images about the Stalin phenomenon.

The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin’s RussiaBased on letters, diaries, memoirs, and photographs collected by the historian Orlando Figes, this site explores private life in the Stalin period.

Websites for Current Events

Eurasia Daily Monitor, the Jamestown Foundation

LR Rates the Russia Blogs, La Russophobe: Recording the Rise (and Hopefully Fall) of the Neo-Soviet Union 
A review of and links to the top ten blogs on Russia.

The Moscow Times

The Other Russia 
The website of the leading opposition group.

President of Russia website, including news

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Newsline Archive

If you want to watch Kremlin-sponsored TV in English, check out this site. 
Note: It used to be called “Russia Today,” and is now just the neutral “RT.”

Russia Votes, Center for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde 
This site contains Russian public opinion polls and election results (from a reliable source).

Russian Analytical Digest , ETH Zurich, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences 
Each issue focuses on a different topic.

TASS Russian News Agency

This is Russia Comrade, Anything Can Happen. Sit Back and Enjoy Bears & Vodka 
A blog about Russian pop culture and daily life.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2016
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments