6.100L | Fall 2022 | Undergraduate

Introduction to CS and Programming using Python

Lecture 13: Exceptions, Assertions

Topics: Exceptions, assertions

Lecture Notes

Lecture 13: Exceptions, Assertions

Lecture 13 Code


Ch 9

Finger Exercise Lecture 13

Implement the function that meets the specifications below:

def sum_str_lengths(L):
    L is a non-empty list containing either: 
    * string elements or 
    * a non-empty sublist of string elements
    Returns the sum of the length of all strings in L and 
    lengths of strings in the sublists of L. If L contains an 
    element that is not a string or a list, or L's sublists 
    contain an element that is not a string, raise a ValueError.
    # Your code here  

# Examples:
print(sum_str_lengths(["abcd", ["e", "fg"]]))  # prints 7
print(sum_str_lengths([12, ["e", "fg"]]))      # raises ValueError
print(sum_str_lengths(["abcd", [3, "fg"]]))    # raises ValueError

6.100L Finger Exercises Lecture 13 Solutions

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2022
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
Programming Assignments with Examples
Recitation Notes